Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Book Club - Nathan Coulter

It would only make sense that a Literature Lover such as myself would join a book club. So, I did. I started the first book today, entitled "Nathan Coulter" by Wendell Berry. I'm 11 pages into the book and I'm wondering if anything is really going to happen. This is a book that suffers from over-description. Everything is overanalyzed and complicated. Berry can't tell me it's sunset in less than 300 words. So, needless to say (but I will anyway), I'm wondering if I'll actually manage to finish this book in time for the discussion. Can I drag myself to read complicated descriptions of farm landscape (do I really care where Uncle's cabin is in relation to the narrator's farm? Grandpa's house? The river?)? We'll see...

The good thing is that this club put The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on their reading list. I can't WAIT to read that book!